
Oct 26 2023


6:00 pm - 7:30 pm


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Endangered Eating and the Hunt for Rare Apples

In this talk, food historian Sarah Lohman will give an overview of her new book, Endangered Eating: America’s Vanishing Foods, with a focus on the history of apples and hard cider in New Jersey and the stories of three apples reclaimed from the brink of extinction. Apples have been called the country’s “most endangered food.” Currently, 86% of apple varieties grown in the US have vanished, and four out of five are on the brink of extinction. But thanks to the hard cider revival, rare apples are being saved. Before the talk, you can sample locally-made craft hard ciders from New England Cider Company. The book can be purchased at the event, courtesy of River Bend Bookshop.


Connecticut Museum of Culture and History
1 Elizabeth Street, Hartford, CT
Connecticut Museum of Culture and History


Connecticut Museum of Culture and History